Your whole body relies on sleep to generate the necessary white blood cells to recover. And when you don't get enough sleep, your immune system is not functioning properly to protect you.
Sleep relaxes the muscles in your body to reduce inflammation and it replenishes your energy levels to feel refreshed in the morning, for a physical and mental recovery.
We all can remember moments when we were cranky due to lack of sleep and it's not fun, right?
But don’t despair, there is still help out there.
Introducing the 💤 sleep doctor!
Lavender 💜 has long been recognized for its therapeutic and mental relaxation properties.
Thanks to its luxurious scent, it is generally used for external use, in a wide range of aromatherapy, beauty and cosmetic products .
Few know that you can also drink it in herbal teas.
It can really help you relax your mind and body and it's a perfect natural remedy to get a good night's sleep.
The most important thing to remember about lavender tisanes is to not overdo it. If you add too much lavender in your brew, it will taste too powerful and it will not be fun to drink.
Let's face it, it will taste like soap and this will not help you calm down. On the contrary, if you are short tempered 😆.
Our Organic Sunset Tea Blend contains just the right amount of lavender, and together with the lemon balm and wild chamomile, it creates the perfect storm for you to help you have the calming sleep you need.
What other natural remedies do you use to help you sleep better and have peace of mind?