What is happiness to YOU?
Happiness may seem as something abstract and totally unachievable in the craziness of everyday modern life.
We are living up so much inside our heads - mainly driven by ego or fear - that forget to live simply and cherish the smaller things that could ultimately make us become our true selves and just be happy.
Life is not a competition with others and if you believe that chances are you've already lost.
We, humans, are imperfect beings and are driven mainly by emotions and information planted in our brains by different imperfect people that we've meet throughout our lifetime and who influenced us to good or bad.
Just as well, we are being formed since an early age by an imperfect school system and grow up to live in an equally imperfect society that teaches us be perfect consumers and to value more and more material things, describing them as happiness.
Only when you will have the latest ... (fill in the blanks) ... you will be happy!
Yeah right! You know very well that's not true.
Just think of the bunch of garbage stuff you have in your closets or in your garage and that you have never used since you bought them to make you happy.
There is indeed a pleasure/happiness gap and we could and - in fact - should differentiate between the two.
For us, happiness is really just a quiet state of mind in which you get by simply being yourself. No constraints, no self-judgement, no fear.
Just self love, adventure, experiences and a perpetual quest to genuinely become better persons and better humans. And have fun on the way, too.
In all honesty, we're not there yet, but we've started the journey some time ago and it feels like an improvement already.
Spoiler: It's not easy though, it takes a lot of effort and it's about a constant, hard, practice to rewire your brain to a different mindset.
Just like in arts, music, sports or whatever field you may think of, (a lot) of everyday practice makes it perfect.
Maybe you feel sad or depressed and think this is just crazy talk and that you will not be able to do it.
But we think you are wrong.
Maybe you just need to focus on building yourself and getting up from the ground when down.
Leave your fears behind you, start being and loving yourself and the child within you.
You are perfectly able, just need to realize what you really want/need and go get IT!
Keep learning and growing, friend!
Much love,
Ana and Mircea
P.S. Please read this insightful article. It's well written and it has some very interesting ideas that could help you.