plantago (Plantago lanceolata).
Watch where you step! This little weed is often underfoot and highly underutilized as a healer for all.
Main medicinal uses:
✔ draws out toxins
✔ soothes respiratory tract
✔ helps heal infections
✔ treats acne, itchy rashes and insect bites
✔ eases stomach pains
carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, saccharoses), acids (chlorogenic, benzoic, caffeic, coumaric, fumaric, salicylic, asocorbic), iridoid glycosides (acubin, catalpol), tannins, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, scutellarin, baicalein), alkaloid, gum, resins, saponins, minerals Zn, K+, Mg, P, vitamins C, K, beta-carotene, calcium
Therapeutic actions:
deobstruent, cooling alterative, emollient, astringent, diuretic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-histamine, expectorant, anti-hemorrhagic, vasoconstrictor, antacid
Organs or systems affected:
bladder, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin
Our products containing plantago: