Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) is one of the plants with multiple medicinal uses.
It boosts the immune system, is a blood purifier and digestive stimulant for those regaining their health.
Echinacea is a very well known popular remedy for respiratory problems like colds and flu, as well as for other infections.
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Main medicinal uses:
✔ purifies blood
✔ reduces infection
✔ stimulates digestion
✔ stimulates immune system
✔ increases white blood cells
glycosides, volatile oil, mucopolysaccharides, echinolone, betaine, tannins, resins, enzymes, fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin C, minerals
Therapeutic actions:
alterative, antiseptic, stimulant, tonic, diaphoretic, lymphatic, antimicobial (antibacterial & antiviral), anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic
Organs or systems affected:
blood, immune system, lymphatic system
Our products containing echinacea: